Sorry to do this to you guys, but this is the saddest picture in the world. I was walking around the Hamariya in the blazing July heat when I found this homeless cat sleeping in a bucket of dirt. If you know of a sadder picture, please don't send it to me. I'm not sure my heart can take it.
Other than that, nothing much has happened in Meknes. I'm pretty sure that demonstrations continue in the country's larger cities over the new constitution due to the explosion in the number of flags I have seen hanging on government buildings.
I asked my speaking partner about the flags but she gave me a characteristically evasive answer ("Oh, they just really like Morocco").
With the program winding down, we're all working on our final projects, and (as usual) adding as much shock-value as possible to make our professors uncomfortable. Suffice to say that it's probably illegal to publish a good portion of our work within the country's borders.
My battery's about to die so I have to post quick but I hope to have more exciting adventures later this week.
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