Monday, July 4, 2011

Kul sena wa antum tayibeen.

It's Independence Day in America and I just finished five hours of homework. Life is cruel in Morocco. The Arabic students threw a big party at the hotel where we cooked halal hotdogs and hamburgers, drank "Hawai" (a soda so addictive it's probably illegal in the States) and carved and distributed watermelon slices.
We also played patriotic songs and sang some wonderful renditions of "America, Fuck Yeah!" We invited our professors (who are all native Arabs) and I think they were highly amused by the celebration.
(Fun fact: Morocco was the first country to formally recognize the United States as an independent nation. The king even gave a speech today blessing President Obama.)

So July 4th marks the middle of my stay in Morocco, and I think the spirit of the day calls for me to list things I miss about the States.
  1.  Shower curtains
  2. Air conditioning
  3. Mexican food
  4. Chinese food
  5. A good burger
  6. Water (that doesn't cause diarrhea)
  7. Netflix
Happy 'Merica Day, everybody.


  1. We have a story about "America, Fuck yeah!" from this weekend. It was epic. I can't wait to tell you about it...unless Nathan already did. Anyways, I miss you!

  2. There's still a great Chinese restaurant operating in Tripoli. How can there not be Chinese food in Morocco?
