Sunday, June 26, 2011

Al-rujua min Tanja wa al-Muzaharat

It's super late and I have class tomorrow so unfortunately I have so much to say but I'm leaving it for later. Here are the main points:
  1. Sorry about the design issues in the blog. It's under construction because I screwed up while uploading photos. The design will look much better by the end of the week. The good news is, you can see a lot of new photos on my album.
  2. I'm back from Tanja (Tangier). It was beautiful, educational, and exhausting. Details soon to come.
  3. There were huge protests in the capital, Rabat, as well as Meknes and other cities around Morocco. I got pictures and video. The pictures can be seen in my photo album and the video will be up within a week, insha'allah.
  4. Leave me a comment if you like a post, or tell me some other way (email, facebook, pigeon). It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Ala aliqaa'!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photo! The sea is almost turquoise. I wish I were there with you.
